Sexual Abuse

Any kind of sexual activity that is not consensual is considered a sexual assault. In fact, if the victim is under the age of 17 (16 in New Jersey), even if the sexual act was consensual, it is considered illegal. In recent years, more and more victims of these crimes are finding the courage to come forward and shed light on these horrific acts.

From rape to what may seem like innocent joke telling or any other small form of inappropriate conduct, today, many more sex offenders are being convicted. Sexual abuse can be inflicted on a victim, whether that victim be a child or an adult, by any of the following individuals who are in a position of authority:


There must be zero tolerance and no excuse for these horrendous crimes committed against often defenseless victims that can range from vulnerable children to grown adults.

Sexual abuse often affects a victim for the rest of his or her life, making it challenging to establish stable relationships or find comfort in trusting future authority figures. It frequently derails its victim’s education and employment, while forcing him or her into years or a lifetime of therapy and counseling. Taking legal action against the abusive party is one step in the right direction to begin the victim’s healing process. Acquiring justice and receiving compensation from the guilty party allows the victim to move forward with his or her life and to feel a sense of closure. If you, or loved one have been a victim of sexual abuse, you are not alone. Like all injury claims, claims for sexual abuse are subject to strict deadlines, so please contact Michael Eidman as soon as possible. Eidman has taken rapid legal action and collected significant compensation for clients with a case such as yours, who were abused by a member of the clergy or by their teacher. Call today to receive a free professional consultation and put your case into the hands of a trusted lawyer who will treat your case with care and dignity, and fight for the compensation you and your loved ones deserve.

Call or Email Michael Eidman to discuss your case

There is no charge for this legal advice. In fact you will not be charged anything unless our firm wins compensation for your case.