Local Hospitals Score Poorly on Patient Safety

As a personal injury and medical malpractice lawyer, one of the most emotional issues that I confront in my everyday life, is the so-called ā€œmedical malpractice crisisā€. Doctors, insurance companies, drug companies and business groups claim that this crisis is not only driving up the cost of health-care but is driving physicians out of the region and towards states that offer ā€œtort reformā€. On the other hand, consumer groups have argued that no such ā€œcrisisā€ exists and that the only crisis is a growing epidemic of poor medical care. A recent study published in Consumer Reports supports the argument that in our region, that is the NY/NJ area, poor basic care at most area hospitals is a major contributing factor. Although many of our hospitals offer state-of-the-art facilities, they measured extremely poorly in four key areas of patient safety: hospital-acquired infections, readmissions, how well the staff communicates with patients regarding medications and discharge planning. These four major areas were calculated into a ā€œpatient safety scoreā€ for each hospital. Some of the local hospitals whose scores were lower than most other hospitals around the country, included some of our regionā€™s most well-known institutions. You can read the article, which links to the list of hospitals, at ConsumerReports.org.